Animal Fight - Resurrection Card Game - Print & Play
Ricky Browne // Free Tools, Printables, & Ebooks
Includes three decks - Air, Land & Sea - Featuring the deadliest animals on the planet.
Resurrection (9 card) Rules
- Two players each with a pack of Resurrection cards. (9 cards / 1 sheet)
- Two players each with nine cards from a regular pack of playing cards. Each should have a red Ace, King, Jack and a black Ace, King, Jack. Each should also have a 7, 8, & 9 of any suit or colour.
Game Setup
Card Preparation:
- Each player starts with a deck of 9 standard cards.
- Shuffle your deck thoroughly.
- Place the shuffled deck face down on your right side; this is your Hero Pile.
Draw Your Starting Hand:
- Draw the top 5 cards from your Hero Pile. These 5 cards make up your initial Hand.
Determine the First Player:
- The youngest player goes first, designated as the Aggressor. This player will initiate the first move.
Gameplay Structure
Basic Turn Flow
- Aggressor’s Action: The Aggressor chooses one card from their Hand and places it face down on the table.
- Defender’s Response: The opponent (Defender) responds by placing a card from their Hand face up.
Battle Resolution:
- Compare the numbers on each card to determine the winner.
- The higher-numbered card wins the battle, and its magical abilities (if any) activate.
- Power Order: (Highest to Lowest) Black Ace, Black King, Black Jack, Red Ace, Red King, Red Jack, 9, 8, 7
Card Placement After Magical Abilities Utilised:
- Winner:
- Places their winning card back on top of their Hero Pile (face down).
- Loser:
- If Ace/King/Jack: Place their losing card on the bottom of their Fallen Pile (face down), located on the left side.
- If 9, 8, 7 Cards: Place their losing card on top of their Fallen Pile (face down), located on the left side.
Special Rules for Tied Battles
- If both players place cards with the same number:
- Leave these tied cards on the table.
- Both players continue the battle by playing their next card on top of the tied cards.
Magical Abilities in Extended Battles:
- The abilities of the initially tied cards are ignored.
- Only the winning and losing cards in the final round of the extended battle will activate their magical abilities.
Extended Battle Resolution:
If you win the extended battle:
- Place your matched cards in your Hero Pile.
If you lose the extended battle:
- Ace, King, Jack Lost: Move your matched cards to the bottom of your Fallen Pile.
- 9, 8, 7 Card Lost: Move your matched cards to the top of your Fallen Pile.
If you win the extended battle:
Activating Magical Abilities
Black Ace, Black King, Black Queen, Black Jack:
- If Win: Resurrect the top card from your Fallen Pile and place it on the bottom of the Fallen Pile.
Red Ace, Red King, Red Queen, Red Jack:
- If Lose: The opponent must send the top card in their Hero Pile to the top of their Fallen Pile. Then, place this losing card on the top of your Fallen Pile.
Red or Black 7, 8, and 9:
- If Lose: Place this card on the top of your Fallen Pile.
Sequence of Ability Activation:
- The winning player always activates their magical abilities first.
- Then, the losing player activates theirs if applicable.
Next Round Setup
- The player who lost the previous battle becomes the Aggressor for the next round.
Replenishing Your Hand
- At the end of a battle, if you have no cards left in your hand, draw up a maximum of 5 cards from the top of your Hero Pile.
Winning the Game
- Victory Condition: The game concludes when a player has no cards left in both their Hand and Hero Pile.
- The player with remaining cards in their Hand or Hero Pile is declared the winner.
3 Decks Printable (Air, Land, Sea) Plus Game Play Sheet
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